1. They
journeyed from Elim, and the entire community of the children of Israel came to
the desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the
second month after their departure from the land of Egypt. 2. The entire
community of the children of Israel complained against Moses and against Aaron
in the desert.
in Taanach by the
waters of Megiddo;
they took no gain of
Sotah: Daf 27: when
Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah became the Nassi; Song of Songs
journeyed from Hashmonah and camped in Moseroth.
Continuing now in the month of Nissan, Week 27 contains the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch, the Rebbe Rashab. In the Torah portion section for this week, we also enter in full into the theme of Parashat HaMan: the need to train the Jews to have faith in G-d and not complain. The verses repeat twice the phrase “the entire community of Israel,” which in the context of the complaints, appears to point to the fact that the lack of emunah (complete faith) of this generation was widespread, and would require some serious work. As mentioned previously, the commentaries note that it was in this location that their food supplies came to an end, and it was this in fact that was the source of their complaints.
The Haftorah’s
verses for this week speak of a lack of concern for money matters, which is the exact opposite of the concern and lack of emunah described above. The
Canaanite kings “took no gain of money” to come attack the Jewish people. If
our enemies act with such disregard for their financial condition, how much more
so should we, especially since we know that our sustenance comes from Hashem.
Daf Kaf Zayin (Folio
27) of Sotah discusses the case of a woman of ill repute, a few cases of
women that do not drink the Sotah water,
and the punishment given to the male adulterer. The daf ends discussing additional laws taught when Rabbi Elazar ben
Azariah became the Nassi, and
discusses how the Song of the Sea was sung between Moshe and the Children of
Israel. The daf contains many of the
themes related to Judah mentioned in the previous week. The discussion of Rabbi
Elazer ben Azariah as Nassi, is not
only pertinent because the Nassi had
to be from the Tribe of Judah as an extension of the Davidic dynasty, but
because because Rabbi Elazar’s appointment as Nassi is one of the crucial focus points of the Passover Hagadah. It is also during these days
that we read the “Nassi” for each day,
connecting to the head of each Tribe. The discussion of the Song of the Sea is
also obviously extremely connected to the Exodus and the month of Nissan.
son of Ram, is the father of Nachshon and Elisheva, Aharon’s wife. Miriam was
married to his uncle, Calev. As will be discussed further next week, there is a
well known Midrash that the actions
of Nachshon were the ones that led to the splitting of the Sea of Reeds.
Aminadav is perhaps the main link connecting the line of Judah to the family of
Moses. This is perhaps the link between the redemption from Egypt and the
Messianic redemption to come. The name Aminadav, offering of my people, which
appears related to the offering of the Nassi
mentioned previously. Nedavah means a
voluntary offering, as was the gift of inauguration. The Rebbe Rashab, was a Nasi, someone who offered himself with
great Mesirat Nefesh, self-sacrifice
on behalf of his people.
In the
twenty-seventh week, the Jews journey from Chashmonah and camp in Moseroth. This
is the place of Aaaron’s passing. Aaron was the Nassi of the Tribe of Levi, and we read of his lighting of the
Temple Menorah as part of the inauguration ceremonies. Aharon is the fifth
Shepherd, just as the Rebbe Rashab was the Fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch.
Jacobson explains that Moseroth comes from the word musar, which means advice and chastisement related to ethical
conduct. As we prepare for Passover, the cleaning for Passover also involves a
cleansing of one’s ego – and that entails the ability to accept criticism. Moseroth also appears related to the
word Mesirat Nefesh, self-sacrifice
(above), and Masoret, tradition. Much
of the ceremony of Passover involves continuing family customs and traditions.
The personal journey for this week is to internalize the concept of rededicating ourselves, leading or being connected to our leaders, and now focus on self-sacrifice and emunah, cleansing ourselves of our ego in preparation for Passover.
The personal journey for this week is to internalize the concept of rededicating ourselves, leading or being connected to our leaders, and now focus on self-sacrifice and emunah, cleansing ourselves of our ego in preparation for Passover.