HAAZINU: who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their
libations? Let them arise and help you! Let them be your shelter! (Deuteronomy 32:38)
HAFTORAH: I have pursued my enemies and have destroyed them; Never turning back
until they were consumed. (II Samuel 22:38)
QUALITY TO ACQUIRE THE TORAH: Does Not Act Arrogantly With
His Knowledge (Studies)
Week Thirty-Eight is the last week of Sivan, and Haazinu’s verse continues the questions from the previous week,
where G-d asks the Jews where is the protection that they sought from other gods.
Again, a positive reading of the verse would be a continuation of the questions
asked to Israel’s enemies. The Haftorah’s
verse appears to directly support this reading, since it speaks of how King
David (the Jewish people) was able to pursue his enemies and destroy them
completely, without their being able to find any refuge.
The quality for this week is “does not
act arrogantly with his knowledge (studies).” As explained in the previous
week, haughtiness is diametrically opposed to holiness and to the Torah.
Therefore, to act arrogantly based on his knowledge would be the utmost example
of inappropriate behavior. After all the knowledge does not belong to the
individual but to G-d. Another way to read the verse is to read it to mean
“does not act arrogantly with His (G-d’s) knowledge,” because the knowledge is
ultimately all G-d’s. This is also an important message of the month of Sivan.
This week’s prophet is Daniel. It is
worth noting that in Book 1, we explained how Week 38 is that of the lion.
Daniel is known primarily for his being thrown in the den of hungry lions and
miraculously being saved.
Daniel’s interpretation of
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream shows how Daniel does not act arrogantly with his
knowledge. Interpretation of the dreams comes from G-d. Everything comes from
And to these youths, the four of them, G-d gave
knowledge and understanding in every script and wisdom, and Daniel understood
all visions and dreams. And at the end of the days that the king ordered to
bring them, the chief officer brought them before Nebuchadnezzar. And the king
spoke with them, and of all of them, no one was found to equal Daniel,
Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; and they stood before the king. And in every
matter of the wisdom of understanding that the king requested of them, he found
them ten times better than all the necromancers and astrologers in all his
kingdom. (Chapter 1:17-20)
Then Daniel entered and requested of the king that
time be given him, and the interpretation would be told to the king. Then
Daniel went home and let his colleagues, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, know
of the matter. And to pray and beg of the G-d of heaven about this secret, that
Daniel and his colleagues should not perish with the remaining wise men of
Babylon. Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in the vision of the night;
then Daniel blessed the G-d of heaven.
Daniel spoke up and said, "May the Name of G-d be
blessed from everlasting even to everlasting, to Whom are wisdom and might. And
He changes the times and the seasons, He removes kings and sets up kings; He
grants wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who know understanding. He
reveals the profound and secret things; He knows what is in the dark, and light
dwells with Him. To You, O G-d of my forefathers, I give thanks and praise, for
You have given me wisdom and might, and now You have let me know what I requested
of You, for the matter of the king You have let me know." (…)
The king spoke up and said to Daniel, whose name was
Belteshazzar, "Do you have the ability to tell me the dream that I have
seen and its interpretation?"
Daniel answered the king and said, "The secret that the king asks,
no wise men, astrologers, necromancers, or demonologists can tell the king. But
there is a G-d in heaven Who reveals secrets, and He lets King Nebuchadnezzar
know what will be at the end of days; that is your dream and the visions of
your head on your bed.
You, O king, your thoughts came while on your bed,
what will be after this, and the Revealer of secrets lets you know what will
be. And I-not with wisdom that I possess more than all living, did He reveal
this secret to me, but in order that they should let the king know the
interpretation, and you should know the thoughts of your heart. (Chapter
Daniel’s actions are like those of his
predecessor, Joseph, in his first interaction with Pharaoh:
And Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I have dreamed a
dream, and there is no interpreter for it, but I have heard it said of you
[that] you understand a dream, to interpret it." And Joseph replied to
Pharaoh, saying, "Not I; G-d will give an answer [that will bring] peace to
Pharaoh." (Genesis 41:15-16)
explains that there is a discussion
among the sages on whether Daniel should be considered a prophet. Therefore,
some substitute Shemaiah. The prophet
Shemaiah, who prophesized in the
times of Rehavam, the son of Solomon, would be significantly out of the
chronological order presented here. There was another Shemaiah (a kohen), the
father of Uriah, which would be somewhat closer chronologically, but still out
of order. Perhaps, the name Shemaiah is
instead another hint to the quality of this week, and of Daniel. The name Shemaiah comes from the word “Lishmoah,” to hear, and the name of Hashem, meaning “heard G-d,” or perhaps
“G-d heard.” It hints to the humility and complete lack of arrogance necessary
for a prophet; to remember that his function is simply to be a conduit, to hear
the word of G-d, when G-d hears His people. These are the qualities associated
with the month of Sivan as well.
The levitical city for this week is Nahalal,
whose name includes the word “hallel”
to praise. To praise G-d for all the kinds he’s done for us is the ultimate
form of humility.