Weekly Cycle

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week 20 (Book 5):Perez and Bursting Out of the Cold

13. Your arid fields are as a pomegranate orchard with sweet fruit, henna and spikenard.
14. Spikenard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with all frankincense trees, myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices.
15. A garden fountain, a well of living waters and flowing streams from Lebanon."


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: Daf 20 – Oaths related to eating and pleasure.


Week 20 in the Jewish calendar is the week of Tu B’Shvat. Tu B’Shvat is the Rosh Hashanah of the trees. The verses of Shir HaShirim of this week again address the theme of nature, as well as pleasure. This week, however, fruit and trees are mentioned specifically.

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twentieth mentioned is Perez. His name means to “burst forth.” Perez’s birth is described in quite detail, and how he burst forth to become the firstborn. It seems related to also how the flowers and fruits must “burst forth,” after the trees’ enduring the cold winter.

Daf Kaf (Folio 20) of Shvuot continues to discuss different laws related to oaths, most of which are also related to eating and pleasure.

Chapter 20 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. The chapter speaks of pain endured by Jeremiah, but its most striking part is when he speaks of the day of his birth. It seems to relate back to the themes birth and conception related to this month:

14. Cursed be the day in which I was begotten; the day in which my mother bore me shall not be blessed.  
15. Cursed be the man who brought the news to my father, saying, "A male child has been born to you," making him glad. 

16. And that man shall be like the cities that the Lord overturned and did not repent, and let him hear an outcry in the morning and a scream at noontime.

17. That he did not put me to death from the womb, that my mother should be my grave and her womb a perpetual pregnancy.

18. Why did I come forth out of the womb to see toil and grief, and my days end with shame?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Week 21 (Book 5): Celebrating "Sweet Fruit" in the Winter

16. " Awake, O north wind, and come, O south wind; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out; let my beloved come to his garden and eat his sweet fruit."
1. "I have come to my garden, my sister, [my] bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice, I have eaten my sugar cane with my sugar, I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, beloved ones."                        
2. "I sleep, but my heart is awake. Hark! My beloved is knocking: Open for me, my sister, my beloved, my dove, my perfect one, for my head is full of dew, my locks with the drops of the night."


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: DAF 21 – Oaths and Eating


Week 21 in the Jewish calendar is the last week of Shevat. The verses of Shir HaShirim of this week again address the theme of nature, as well as pleasure. It speaks of eating sweet fruit of a garden, spices, sugar cane, wine and milk. Wine and "drinking abundantly" is also mentioned, perhaps a reference to the coming month of Adar. The last verse also contains a theme similar to that of Shevat: "I sleep, but my heart is awake..." We are still in the middle of winter, but it is past Tu B'Shvat and the sap inside the trees has begun to melt.   

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-first mentioned is Zerach. Zerach is Perez’s brother. His name means sunrise. During his birth, he was the first to stretch out his hand, although he ended up being born later, after Perez. Similarly, sunrise is the first moment in which the morning Shmoneh Esreh can be said and the day initially begins, although most people begin prayer much later. This is all related to Shevat, the first “appearance” of spring and the sun, although spring itself comes much later.

Daf Kaf Alef (Folio 21) of Shvuot continues to discuss different laws related to oaths, most of which are also related to eating.

Chapter 21 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. The chapter has many references to nature: valleys, plains, fruit, and a forest:

The chapter speaks of pain endured by Jeremiah, but its most strking part is when he speaks of the day of his birth. It seems to relate back to the theme of “natural” birth related to this month:

13. Behold I am against you, O dweller of the valley, rock of the plain, says the Lord, those who say, "Who will encamp upon us, and who will come into our dwellings?"   

14. And I will visit upon you according to the fruit of your deeds, says the Lord, and I will ignite a fire in her forest, and it will consume all her surroundings. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Week 22 (Book 5): Mordechai the Shepherd

3. "I have taken off my tunic; how can I put it on? I have bathed my feet; how can I soil them?"
4. My beloved stretched forth his hand from the hole, and my insides stirred because of him.
5. I arose to open for my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers with flowing myrrh, upon the handles of the lock.


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: Daf 22 - Oaths and Drinking


Week 22 in the Jewish calendar is the week of Rosh Chodesh Adar. The verses of Shir HaShirim of this week speak of removing one’s head garment and bathing one’s feet. Removing one’s head garment appears to be a reference to the notion of letting go of the intellect, related to this month, focusing on the feet. Similarly, the Rebbe’s Ma’amar Ve’Atah Tetzaveh speaks of Mordechai, the Moshe of the generation, being the head, and the Jewish people being the “feet.” (See also Book 3, on Yaakov and Yikveta de Meshicha, being on the "heels" of the Messianic age).

The second verse in the Song of Songs is extremely reminiscent of perhaps what are the two most crucial verses in all of Megillat Esther (5:2):

And it came to pass when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she won favor in his eyes, and the king extended to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand, and Esther approached and touched the end of the scepter. 
The third verse, makes reference to myrrh, Mor in Hebrew. The Talmud states that Mordechai is hinted in the Torah in Exodus 30:23, in the verse about “pure myrrh,” Mor Dror, which in Aramaic is Mara Dachia.[1] (Chullin 139b)

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-second mentioned is Hezron. (Hezron, the descendant of Reuven, has already been discussed in Week 4). Interestingly, in Book 3, this Hezron, son of Perez, can be found in week 25, also in the month of Adar. There, it is written that Hezron comes from the word chatzer, which means courtyard, or enclosure. In order to be able to carry in a courtyard, two neighbors need to set up an eruv chatzeirot.[2] Interestingly, the word Eruv comes from the same root as Arev, which means sweet. When Jews come together, and their duality serves a positive function, there is sweetness. This is also one of the themes of the month of Adar.

Daf Kaf Beit (Folio 22) of Shvuot continues to discuss different laws related to oaths, related to eating. However, the main emphasis of this daf relates to the laws of speaking, and also whether drinking should be included in the category of eating. Clearly drinking is one of the main themes of Adar. Specifically, drinking to point of not being able to know the difference between “blessed in Mordechai and cursed is Haman.” This daf begins the discussion of speaking by mentioning how someone who curses (“blesses”) Hashem by mistake must bring a sacrifice.

Chapter 22 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. It speaks of a situation of the Jewish people being left leaderless, confused, as well as of eating and drinking.

15. Shall you reign, for you compete with the cedar? Your father-did he not eat and drink and perform justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him.  (...)

22. All your shepherds shall be broken by the wind, and your lovers shall go into captivity, for then you shall be ashamed and confounded because of all your evil. (…)

29. O land, land, land, hearken to the word of the Lord. 
30. So said the Lord: Inscribe this man childless, a man who will not prosper in his days, for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting on the throne of David or ruling anymore in Judah.

[2] http://www.dailyhalacha.com/Print.asp?ClipID=1079

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 23 (Book 5): When Hashem and our Leaders Are Hidden

6. I opened for my beloved, but my beloved had hidden and was gone; my soul went out when he spoke; I sought him, but found him not; I called him, but he did not answer me.
7. The watchmen who patrol the city found me; they smote me and wounded me; the watchmen of the walls took my jewelry off me.
8. "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, what will you tell him? That I am lovesick."


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: DAF 23 – Oaths  on Drinks


Week 23 in the Jewish calendar is the week of the seventh of Adar, the yahrzeit and birthday of Moshe RabbeinuThe verses of Shir HaShirim of this week speak of looking for Hashem and not finding Him, calling out to Hashem and not getting a response. The verses also speak of being “smitten” and wounded. These may all be references to the loss of Moshe. The verse about Hashem being “hidden” and “gone,” and our calling out to Hashem and not receiving a response is also related to the idea of Hester Panim (when Hashem's face is hidden), related to the Purim story.

Rashi’s comments regarding the third verse (verse 8), makes a direct reference to “Mordechai’s generation in the days of Haman,” that despite all the suffering the Jewish people fulfilled the Torah. This is the message of Adar and Purim. Our sages also teach us that Mordechai in his generation was like Moshe in his.

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-third mentioned is Hamul. This name appears to come from the word Chemlah, which means pity, mercy. Hamul would therefore mean someone who is dealt with mercifully, such as Moshe himself at the time of his birth.

Daf Kaf Gimmel (Folio 23) of Shvuot continues to discuss whether drinking should be included in the category of eating. In fact, a great part of the discussion is about wine and intoxicating beverages. The daf also speaks of combining many oaths into one (still in large part discussing drinking) and then discusses an oath not to eat forbidden food. One of the main points of contention of the Purim story was of partaking in Achashverosh’s meal.

Chapter 23 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. It speaks of a situation of the Jewish people being left without a proper shepherd (Moshe), yet also speaks about Mashiach, who will be like Moshe. The future redemption will parallel the redemption from Egypt. Jeremiah also speaks about being like someone who is drunk: 

5. Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, when I will set up of David a righteous shoot, and he shall reign a king and prosper, and he shall perform judgment and righteousness in the land.  
6. In his days, Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is his name that he shall be called, The Lord is our righteousness. 
7. Therefore, behold days are coming, says the Lord, when they shall no longer say, "As the Lord lives, Who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,"   

8. But, "As the Lord lives, Who brought up and Who brought the seed of the house of Israel from the northland and from all the lands where I have driven them, and they shall dwell on their land."  

9. Because of the prophets my heart is broken within me, my bones shake, I was like a drunken man and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the Lord and because of His holy words.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Week 24 (Book 5): the Intoxicating Power of Food and Drink

9. "What is your beloved more than another beloved, O fairest of women? What is your beloved more than another beloved, that you have so adjured us?"
10. "My beloved is white and ruddy, surrounded by myriads.
11. His head is as the finest gold; his locks are curled, [they are as] black as a raven.


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: DAF 23 – Oaths on Forbidden Foods


Week 24 in the Jewish calendar is the week of Purim. The verses of Shir HaShirim of this week speaks of the “fairest of women,” a likely reference to Queen Esther, who was chosen above all the women of the Persian Empire. The reference to Israel’s Beloved being white and “ruddy,” appears to be connected to the wine of Purim. (See Week 23, Book 4a: “Do not look at wine when it is red; when he puts his eye on the cup, it goes smoothly.” (Proverbs 23:31))

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-fourth mentioned is Issachar. Issachar was conceived on the night that Rachel exchanged for the dudayim of Leah. The intoxicating nature of the dudayim seem to parallel the intensity of Purim, which is brought about as well through physical intoxication.

Daf Kaf Dalet (Folio 24) of Shvuot continues to discuss forbidden foods, and speaks about how one can violate more than one law in a single act of eating. One of the main points of contention of the Purim story was the fact that the Jews partook of Achashverosh’s festive meal.

Chapter 24 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. It speaks about duda’ey te’enim, translated as “pots of figs,” but which literally mean dudayim of figs. Some of the figs could be eaten – others not at all. This dichotomy, especially between the very good (Mordechai) and the very bad (Haman) is also symbolic of Adar. In this case, Jeremiah’s vision is referring to those that willingly go to exile in Babylon, and those that stubbornly decide to stay in the Land of Israel.

1. The Lord showed me two pots of figs, prepared before the Temple of the Lord after Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim king of Judah and the princes of Judah and the craftsmen and the sentries of the gates from Jerusalem and brought them to Babylon. 
2. One pot [contained] very good figs like the first ripe figs, and the other pot [contained] very bad figs that could not be eaten because they were so bad. (…)

The end of this chapter also has language very similar to Haazinu’s verse for Week 24 in Book 2:  “They will sprout hair from famine, attacked by demons, excised by Meriri. I will incite the teeth of livestock upon them, with the venom of creatures that slither in the dust.” (Deuteronomy 32:24)

10. And I will send forth the sword, the famine, and the pestilence against them until they are consumed from upon the land that I gave them and their forefathers.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Week 25 (Book 5): Learning Torah and Listening to the Leader of the Generation

12. His eyes are like doves beside rivulets of water, bathing in milk, fitly set.
13. His jaws are like a bed of spice, growths of aromatic plants; his lips are [like] roses, dripping with flowing myrrh.
14. His hands are [like] wheels of gold, set with chrysolite; his abdomen is [as] a block of ivory, overlaid with sapphires.


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: Daf 25 - Oaths for the Past and Future


Week 25 in the Jewish calendar is the last week of Adar. The verses of Shir HaShirim of this week speak of various spices and aromatic plants, including myrrh, which Talmud is a reference to Mordechai. Rashi explains that the above verses are primarily a reference to the study halls of the Jewish people and how there they clarify and uncover the mysteries of the Torah. Our sages explain that it was the efforts of Mordechai and the Jews at the time to strengthen the public study of Torah that led to our redemption. As also mentioned previously, the month of Adar is about Megillat Esther, uncovering (Legalot) the hidden (Nistar).

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-fifth mentioned is Tola. Tola is also later the name of one of the Judges, who was from the Tribe of Issachar. Tola’s sons are mentioned in Chronicles (7:1), about which Rashi has a fascinating comment:

And of the sons of Issachar: Tola, and Puah, and Jashub, and Shimron: In the Pentateuch (Gen. 46:13) it is written: “and Job.” Job was his name [originally], but since they settled themselves (נִתְיַשְּׁבוּ) to learn Torah, as it is written (below 12: 33): “And of the sons of Issachar, who possessed understanding of the times,” he merited and was called Jashub (יָשוּב).

The role for Tola appears very much related to Mordechai (who was the leader/judge during the time of Purim) and the public study of Torah as described above.

Daf Kaf Heh (Folio 25) of Shvuot continues tod to it discuss different laws related to oaths, and whether they can apply to the past as well as to the future. Week 25 is the midway point of the “Counting of the Omer” of the weeks of the entire year.

Chapter 25 of the Book of Jeremiah is very much related to the above and the general themes of this month. The chapter speaks of the importance of listening to the leader of the generation, in this case the king, as well as to the prophets and to the words of Hashem (the Torah). It also speaks much of drinking and getting drunk. It also discusses future destructions of other peoples (related to the destruction of Amalek). There is also a reference to Jerusalem, the levitical city related to this week. (See Book 2)

3. From the thirteenth year of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah, until this day, these twenty- three years the word of the Lord has come to me, and I spoke to you, arising early and speaking, but you did not hearken.                    

4. And the Lord sent to you all His servants, the prophets, sending them early, but you did not hearken and you did not incline your ear[s] to listen. (…)

8. Therefore, so said the Lord of Hosts: Since you have not hearkened to My words, (…)

15. For so said the Lord God of Israel to me; Take this cup of the wine of fury from My hand, and you shall give it to all the nations to whom I send you, to drink.

16. And they shall drink and reel to and fro and be like madmen because of the sword that I am sending among them.            

17. And I took the cup from the hand of the Lord, and I gave it to all the nations to whom the Lord had sent me, to drink.

26. And all the kings of the north, both near and far, one after the other, and all the kingdoms of the earth that are upon the face of the earth; and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them.

27. And you shall say to them: So said the Lord God of Israel; Drink, become drunk, and vomit, fall and you shall not rise, because of the sword that I am sending among you.      

28. And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup from your hand to drink, that you shall say to them: So said the Lord of Hosts: You shall surely drink.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Week 26 (Book 5): The Importance of Speech

15. His legs are [as] pillars of marble, founded upon sockets of fine gold, his appearance is like the Lebanon, chosen as the cedars. 
16. His palate is sweet, and he is altogether desirable; this is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."               
1. "Where has your beloved gone, O fairest of women? Where has your beloved turned, that we may seek him with you?" 


TALMUD SHEVUOTH - Daf 26: The Importance of Verbalizing an Oath


Week 26 in the Jewish calendar is the week of Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Nissan is the month of Passover. The verses of Shir HaShirim are very much connected to the mouth and to and speech, which are the primary symbols of Passover itself. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev states that Pesach stands for Peh - Sach, “a mouth converses,” as it is a special mitzvah to recount and ponder over the miracles of our liberation during the Passover Seder as much as possible. The Megaleh Amukos states that Pharaoh stands for Peh Rah (evil mouth).[1] Here is Rashi’s commentary on the verses:

15. his appearance is like the Lebanon: One who reflects and ponders over His words finds in them blossoms and sprouts, like a forest which blooms. So are the words of Torah-whoever meditates over them constantly finds new explanations in them.   
16. His palate is sweet: His words are pleasant...
Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-sixth mentioned is Puvvah. Puvvah also appears to come from the Hebrew word for mouth (Peh), related to Pessach. This seems related to the name  Puah (spelled with an Ayin instead of an Aleph), mentioned in connection to Miriam in the very beginning of the Exodus story. “The name Puah, comes from a Hebrew root that implies a particular gift of speech. Rashi comments that Puah was able to soothe a crying baby to sleep with her special way of talking.”[2] Puvvah is also the name of the father of Tola, a Judge from the Tribe of Issachar.

Daf Caf Alef (Folio 21) of Shvuot continues to discuss oaths, particularly addressing whether an oath needs to be “spoken.” Again, the idea of “Peh - Sach.”

Chapter 26 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. It gives emphasis to the physical saying of the prophecy, not so much regarding the mouth, but the ear:

11. And the priests and the prophets said to the princes and to all the people, saying, "This man is liable to death, for he prophesied concerning this city, as you have heard with your ears. "          

12. And Jeremiah said to all the princes and to all the people saying, "The Lord sent me to prophesy concerning this house and concerning this city all the words that you have heard. (…)     

15. But you should know that if you put me to death, that you are bringing innocent blood upon yourselves and upon this city and upon its inhabitants, for indeed God sent me concerning you, to speak into your ears all these words."

[1] http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/137089/jewish/Pei-Communication.htm
[2] http://www.torah.org/learning/women/class45.html

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Week 27 (Book 5): Faith in the Shepherd

2. "My beloved has gone down to his garden, to the spice beds, to graze in the gardens and to gather roses.
3. I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine, who grazes among the roses."
4. "You are fair, my beloved, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, awesome as the bannered legions.


TALMUD SHEVUOT: Daf 27 - Oaths on Bread


Week 27 in the Jewish calendar is in the beginning of the month of Nissan, and is the week of the yahrzeit of the Rebbe Rashab. The verses of Shir HaShirim mention Hashem as a Shepherd, grazing in the gardens, among the roses. As mentioned in Book 1, these weeks of Nissan are very much related to our relationship with G-d being one of a faithful flock with its Shepherd. Nissan represents the month of Aries, symbolized by the ram.

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-seventh mentioned is Iob.  Iob’s name brings to mind Job (although without the aleph). Job is closely connected to the events leading up to the Passover redemption, as the Midrash teaches that he was one of Pharaoh’s three top advisors when the decision was made to throw the Jewish male children into the Nile. Job is also very much a symbol of the need for faith and humility.

Daf Caf Zayim (Folio 27) of Shvuot discusses oaths regarding a mitzvah. It also discusses two oaths made over the same loaf of bread. Here we have a clear reference to preparing the house for Passover.

Chapter 27 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. The chapter mentions behemot (domesticated animals, as above) as well as chayot (wild animals) It has many references to Passover themes, such as “an outstretched arm,” and “God’s servant,” Nebuchadnezzar, a term usually reserved for Moses himself.

5. I made the earth, the man and the beast [behemah] that are upon the face of the earth, with My great strength and with My outstretched arm, and I gave it to him that pleased Me.  

6. And now, I have given these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant, and even the beasts of the field [chayot] I have given to him to serve him.

The chapter also mentions the “yoke” of Babylonian oppression, and various other aspects and impacts of this exile. As also explained in Book 1, during Nissan we re-experience various exiles we endured, and our redemption from them.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Week 28 (Book 5): Shimron and the "Night of Vigil" (Leil Shimurim)

5. Turn away your eyes from me, for they have made me haughty; your hair is like a flock of goats that streamed down from Gilead.                     
6. Your teeth are like a flock of ewes that came up from the washing, all of which are perfect and there is no bereavement among them.
7. Your temple is like a split pomegranate from beneath your kerchief.


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: Daf 28 - Oaths over bread.


Week 28 in the Jewish calendar is the week of the first night of Passover. The verses of Shir HaShirim of this week are from Hashem’s perspective. Again, there is a reference to domesticated animals – the goat and the ewe. There is also a reference to the need to stay away from haughtiness, which is the essential aspect of Passover: ridding oneself of chametz and eating the matzah.

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-eighth mentioned is Shimron. The name Shimron appears to have at its root the word Shomer, to keep, to guard. Matzah needs to be Shmurah, guarded: “You shall guard the matzot.” (Exodus, 12:17) The matzot need guarding to ensure that it does not become chametz. Otherwise, it may not been eaten on Passover. The main mitzvah of eating matzah is on the first night of Passover. That night is called, “Leil Shimurim,” a night in which we feel G-d watch over us to such an extent that it is even common custom to keep doors unlocked.

Daf Kaf Chet (Folio 28) of Shvuot continues to discuss different laws related to oaths made over a loaf of bread, and what happens if one ate such a bread. Again, there’s a clear connection to Passover and not eating bread at this time of the year.

Chapter 28 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. It again mentions the “yoke” of Babylonian exile, similar to that carried by a domesticated animal. It also gives the prime example of someone who is filled with spiritual chametz to the point of believing his own false prophecies, compared to Jeremiah, who maintains his humility throughout:   

10. And Hananiah the prophet took the bar off the neck of Jeremiah the prophet and broke it. (…)
13. Go and say to Hananiah, saying: So said the Lord: Bars of wood have you broken, and you shall make in their stead bars of iron.  
15. And Jeremiah the prophet said to Hananiah the prophet: The Lord did not send you, and you assured this people with a lie.
16. Therefore, so said the Lord: Behold I send you off the face of the earth; this year you shall die, for you have spoken perversion against the Lord.  
17. And Hananiah the prophet died in that year, in the seventh month.

Nissan is the seventh month counting from Rosh Hashanah.    

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week 29 (Book 5): Feeling Chosen (Our Special Bond with G-d)

8. There are sixty queens and eighty concubines, and innumerable maidens.
9. My dove, my perfect one, is but one; she is one to her mother, she is the pure one of she who bore her; daughters saw her and praised her, queens and concubines, and they lauded her;
10. Who is this who looks forth like the dawn, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, awesome as the bannered legions?"


TALMUD SHEVUOT: Daf 29 - Oaths that are related to the supernatural and/or are contradicted by actions


Week 29 in the Jewish calendar is the week of Passover. The verses of Shir HaShirim of this week single out the Jewish people among all the nations of the world; its speaks of being being pure and praised by the one who “bore her.” It was on Passover after all that the Jews were truly born as a nation. It was specifically on the Seventh Day of Passover, when the Sea of Reeds split this week, that this distinction became the most clear, and the other nations so fearful.

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the twenty-ninth mentioned is Zebulun. Zebulun comes from the word Yizbeleni, in Leah’s prophecy, which means “he will make one’s chief dwelling with me.” The words parallel the above words of Shir HaShirim. On Passover is when it becomes clear that we are chosen above the other nations. Passover is also the first step towards the creation of the Mishkan – the whole purpose of leaving Egypt is to serve Hashem and to have his dwelling be among the people.

Daf Kaf Chet (Folio 29) of Shvuot speaks of laws of sacrifices (like the Korban Pessach) brought for breaking a two-part oath (related to not eating figs and grapes), as well as the laws of vain oaths, and imposing an oath on someone else. These discussions also include references to oaths made over a loaf of bread. Vain oaths are those that contradict what people know to be true, things that are impossible, such as camels flying or a serpent the size of an olive press. Vain oaths are also those that directly contradict a previous oath, such as: “If one said 'I swear that I will eat this loaf, I swear that I will not eat it.” The Splitting of the Sea was something that contradicted what everyone knew to be true, and contradicted the very nature of the Sea, and apparently even the oath made by Hashem that the waters of Noah would never again pass over the earth. (Isaiah 54:9) Nevertheless, Moshe imposes an action upon the Sea of Reeds, in order to fulfill Hashem’s oath to Abraham, and the Jewish people’s oath to Joseph (regarding the burial of his bones in Israel). In fact, the Midrash Tehillim teaches that the sea only split when it saw Joseph’s casket.

Chapter 29 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. It speaks of redemption from exile, in the form of an oath (which was indeed fulfilled), and also of a special bond between the Jewish people and G-d (seeking G-d and finding Him), and once again being held in distinction from all the nations. Conversely, those that do not go to Babylon will have such a miserable future (like loathsome figs) that those that witness will make oaths.

10. For so said the Lord: For at the completion of seventy years of Babylon I will remember you, and I will fulfill My good word toward you, to restore you to this place.

11. For I know the thoughts that I think about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  

12. And you shall call Me and go and pray to Me, and I will hearken to you.

13. And you will seek Me and find [Me] for you will seek Me with all your heart.  

14. And I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will return your captivity and gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will return you to the place whence I exiled you.  

15. For you have said: The Lord has set up prophets for us in Babylon.  

16. For so said the Lord concerning the king who sits on the throne of David and concerning the entire people that dwells in this city: Your brethren who have not left with you into exile.  
17. So said the Lord of Hosts: Behold I incite upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and I will make them as the loathsome figs, which cannot be eaten because they are so bad.  

18. And I will pursue them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and I will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, for an oath, for astonishment, for hissing, and for a reproach among all the nations where I have exiled them.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Week 30 (Book 5): Sered, Nets and Chains

11. "I went down to the nut garden to see the green plants of the valley, to see whether the vine had blossomed, the pomegranates were in bloom.                       
12. I did not know; my soul made me chariots for a princely people."                   
1. "Return, return, O Shulammite; return, return, and let us gaze upon you." "What will you see for the Shulammite, as in the dance of the two camps?


TALMUD SHEVUOTH: Daf 30 – Distancing oneself from falsehood, and communal oaths.


Week 30 in the Jewish calendar is the last week of Nissan, which includes the yahrzeit of Yehoshua and Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. The first verse of Shir HaShirim for this week make reference to a nut garden, green plants, a vine and pomegranites. Rashi’s comments show these descriptions refer in large part to Torah scholarship and fulfillment of the commandments. Interestingly, Rashi also specifically mentions “teachers of the Misnah,” the Oral Torah transmitted from Moshe to Yehoshua, and from Yehoshua to the elders and future generations.

Rashi also brings a second homilectic interpretation regarding the meaning of the nut garden: “Just as if this nut falls into the mud, its interior does not become sullied, so are the Israelites exiled among the nations and smitten with many blows, but their deeds are not sullied.” This is a very fitting description of the events of the Holocaust.

The second and third verses also speak of exile, specifically the Roman exile, which we are still presently in, and in which the Holocaust took place.

12. I did not know; my soul made me chariots for a princely people." 
Rashi - I did not know: The congregation of Israel laments: I did not know to beware of sin, that I should retain my honor and my greatness, and I erred in the matter of groundless hatred and controversy, which intensified during the reign of the Hasmonean kings, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, until one of them brought the kingdom of Rome and received the kingship from their hand and became their vassal, and since then, my soul made me to be chariots, that the nobility of other nations ride upon me.
The Second Temple was ultimately destroyed due to baseless hatred. Failure to learn the lessons from those events are what have kept us in exile until this day.

Of the seventy souls of the Jewish people that descended to Egypt, the thirtieth mentioned is Sered. A Sarad is a netmaker or maker of chains (Aruch). Yehoshua would capture and absorb every word of Moshe, just like a netmaker would capture fish. Yehoshua Bin Nun literally means, Joshua the son of a fish (a reference to Moshe himself). Chains are also an appropriate metaphor for this week, given the captivity we endured during the Holocaust.

Daf Lamed (Folio 30) of Shvuot starts a new chapter regarding an oath taken by a witness in a Jewish court. The daf discusses to whom this oath applies, rules regarding not favoring one party over another, and distancing oneself from falsehood. Much of this seems to apply to Yehoshua. There is also an emphasis on the collectivity of the Jewish people, with many verses referring to Am: "B'Tzedek Tishpot Amisecha" … "va'Yeshev Moshe... va'Ya'amod ha'Am.Yom HaShoah marks a time that was rife with falsehood, as well as a time when all Jews were collectively persecuted, regardless of religiosity, ethnicity or nationality.

Chapter 30 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar theme to the above. As many of the the other chapters in the Book, it speaks of the destruction and calamity that is to take place, but Rashi notes that it does not only refer to the destruction of the Temple and the Babylonian exile, but also of Gog and Magog. The words also make reference to pains that are like birth pangs (similar to the birth pangs leading up to the Messianic era (Chevlei Mashiach). Many believe that the Holocaust is to be considered Chevlei Mashiach. Also, different than in previous chapters, this one brings a silver lining, stating that unlike other nations, the Jewish people would not be completely destroyed.

5. For so said the Lord: A sound of quaking we have heard, fear, and there is no peace. 

Rashi: A sound of quaking we have heard: Some interpret this as alluding to the tidings of Babylon, from which those exiled there quaked. But the Midrash Aggadah explains it as an allusion to the war of Gog and Magog.   

6. Ask now and see whether a male gives birth. Why have I seen every man [with] his hands on his loins like a woman in confinement, and every face has turned to pallor? 

Rashi: whether a male gives birth: Whether it is customary for males to give birth, so that labor pains should seize them like a woman in confinement...   
7. Ho! For that day is great, with none like it, and it is a time of distress for Jacob, through which he shall be saved.  

Rashi: that day: The day of the assassination of Belshazzar and the downfall of Babylon. Another explanation: the day of the downfall of Gog.    .


11. For I am with you, says the Lord, to save you, for I will make an end of all the nations where I dispersed you, but of you I will not make an end, but I will chasten you in measure, and I will not completely destroy you.
12. For so said the Lord: Your injury is painful, your wound grievous. 

13. No one deems your wound to be healed, you have no healing medicines. 

Rashi: to be healed: cure. No one thinks that you will have salvation.   

14. All your lovers have forgotten you, they do not seek you, for I have smitten you with the wound of an enemy, cruel chastisement, for the greatness of your iniquity; your sins are many. 


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